Honoring America's Heroes

3 years ago

Honoring America’s Heroes documents the sacrifices of military veterans physically and emotionally ravaged by war and the support they received from their caregiver spouses. This dramatic, 30-minute documentary has been recognized for production excellence by numerous international film festivals, including: a Platinum Remi Award winner at the 53rd WorldFest Houston International Film and Video Festival; an Award of Merit from the 2020 IndieFEST Film Awards; a Silver Award winner at the New York CinemaFest Festival; a Semi-Finalist at the L.A. CineFest Festival; an Award of Merit from the Best Shorts Competition, and was an official selection to the American Golden Picture International Film Festival. The documentary was produced and directed by Tony Wilson of Flyover Flix and edited by Doug Hanes of Transtar Entertainment Company. http://TranstarFilm.com

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