The Max Bernier Show - Ep. 21 : Max answers your questions!

4 years ago

1:16 Mike Millington: What is the soonest you could get elected?
2:13 Dale Skelcher: How can I do more?
3:54 James Whalley: If you were elected Prime Minister, what would you do to get Canada back to a balanced budget?
5:29 Isaias Nolasko: Will the same candidates run again?
6:42 Randy Chikofsky: How do we get people to listen to our ideas?
9:06 Sabrina Côté: How do you view the legacy of Margaret Thatcher?
10:46 Mike Heise: Do you see a common culture that can bring us together?
14:39 Chris Soda: Will you review each and every UN commitment Canada has signed?
16:19 Dirk Swinnen: After the financial crash of 2009, there was quantitative easing in every major economy. Yet, none of these economies had inflation above 2% or 3 %. What makes you think this will be different?
19:51 Ronald Gilbert: Do you agree with Australia and the US about launching a formal investigation into the actions on the virus pandemic by China?
20:09 Andrzej Matuch: Do you believe that the conservative party still represents the ideals of conservative citizens or had it been compromised and transformed into a carbon copy of the liberal party?
21:49 Charles Misko: How can I get a membership for the PPC?
22:19 Keith Small: How do we get rid of the CBC?
23:21 Sean Dillon: You said you will transfer tax point & the GST to provinces. I want to know more about it.
26:15 Nestor Kotyk: Do you believe in separation of the Church and the state?
26:37 Niels Kongsdorf: Are we, as a country, wiling to mandate that all newcomers sign a document understanding that if you do not follow our laws, you are not welcome ever?
27:25 Paul Gordon: Moratorium on immigration is a must!
28:36 Bryan Jones: What is your strategy to win a seat in the House of commons?
30:29 Tim Taylor: What would be your plan to help bring back the Alberta economy in the light of the low oil prices?
32:42 Shannon Grant: In the absence of an international monetary conference that introduces new "rules of the game", a gold system would be difficult to implement.

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