Oh Lord, Won't You Give Me A Ticket To Heaven-New Song & Do Lord, Oh Do Lord, Oh Do Remember Me Song

3 years ago

The Lord gave me some new lyrics to write to the song- Oh Lord, Won't You Buy Me A Mercedes Benz. Then I woke up singing Have Thine Own Way Lord and went into Do Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember me, and then wrote some new lyrics to that one too. Thanks for singing with me, and I look forward to seeing y'all in the rapture.

Oh Lord, please forgive me of all of my sins, I hate how I'm living, please make me born again,
Please give me the strength each day to do what You will,
Oh Lord, though they'll hate me, You'll call me your friend.

Oh Lord, won't You give me eternal life? Hell was in my future, but You paid the price,
We praise You and serve You, and humbly obey,
Oh Lord, gotta thank You for eternal life.

Oh Lord, won't You give me a ticket to heaven? I want to see Jesus before Tribulation's seven,
Worked hard fighting Satan, the victory is Yours,
Oh Lord, won't You give me a ticket to heaven?

Oh Lord, won't You give me Your perfect Shalom?, I want to see Jesus, this world is not my home,
The chaos and hatred, and lies do abound,
Oh Lord, won't You give me Your perfect Shalom?

Oh Lord, gotta thank You for our Blessed Hope, the Bible You gave us, the Spirit you wrote,
We're fired up and ready, You could come today,
Oh Lord, lead us onward, Your rapture we pray!

Do Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember me (3x), Look away beyond the blue.
Walking out in victory, our Savior reigns (3x), Look away beyond the blue.
Set apart from this old world, our home is in heaven (3x), Look away beyond the blue.
I've gotta home in gloryland that outshines the sun (3x), Look away beyond the blue.
One day soon, we'll see His face, our King comes so quickly (3x), Look away beyond the blue.

Revelation 3:10-11, John 14:1-4, 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15.

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