Unknown Guest 👻 Young Boy Oblivious to an Important House Rule who Needs Lots of Help

3 years ago

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I hope you enjoy this quick tale. And if you have a short story of your own, or wish to become a host yourself, please reach out: bnbtales@gmail.com

Our host is outside in the house garden taking care of his plants when a new message alert is received and the man grabs his phone to check.
The message is all written in Japanese and the host uses the app to translate it to "Hello, dear host. I would very much appreciate if I am to book space for sleep some 10 nights next month. Yes?"
He then speaks to his phone "Hey Google, please reply with Japanese translation: You are welcome to stay in our home. Please make sure to read our house rules. Thank you. See you soon."

The check-in day arrived and the host opens the door and greets the guest, who is a young japanese man, by saying "Yokoso. Here is the house key", then hands the guest a key.
The guest smiles and says "Aregato", bows down and then walks in.

A couple of days pass and the host is having breakfast with his wife and baby girl by the dinner table.
Another young man unknown to anyone, with blond hair, walks past them and says "Good morning. Have a good day. Bye bye."
The host and his wife look at each other very surprised and scared and both ask "Who is that in our home?"

The japanese guest walks in and sits by the table and says "Good morning, family. Where is my friend? He leave?".
The host looks at him and says "Yes he did. And we do not allow friends overnight. It is in the house rules. You should know that. It was very bad to see someone we don't know inside our home. We have a small child, you know?"

The guest stands up and bows down repeatedly saying "I'm so silly. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
The guest also finishes by saying he would like to make breakfast but doesn't know how to and also doesn't know how to do the dishes after, and asks the host for help.
The host puts his hands on his face, very disappointed.

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