DJI Mini 2 Auto following Bike

3 years ago

I beta tested DJI Mini 2 auto follow feature using Litchi. I tour on my bike a lot and before was controlling the drone while riding the bike. This never did feel safe for me or the drone.

To test I in a safe area I rode my bike north to the end of New River Trail here in Peoria, Arizona. The drone followed my bike off road almost perfectly for a little over 1 mile.

You will see near the end of the video I start getting half off frame. Then again Litchi for DJI Mini 2 is still beta and you will have to sign up for Litchi beta for DJI Mini 2 to have Auto follow on Litchi.

{DJI Mini 2 Auto following Bike Stuff}
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🛒DJI Mini 2 Drone:

Music: William Tell Overture - by Rossini

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