The Worship of an AI god? AI vs God

3 years ago

From the video..."What if you could be gods?..."

"A New Type of Life is going to emerge from our little planet" homo superior

Excerpt from Article in Forbes in the video"
Video by TruthStream Media

*Note from Amos37... This is just information on technologies that are now available and will potentially be used to enhance the coming Beast System that is in the Bible. Amos37 does not necessarily agree with all aspects from the various speakers & articles. Be prayerful and discerning in all your viewing and reading.

AI "feels like an Altar to an Alien god" -D-Wave

Can AI be used in supernatural ways? Of course. It’s highly possible!

After all, TV and radio can transmit the power of God when they air anointed programs. People are often healed just by hearing such shows! They can transmit the power of demons when they air demonic empowered programs, defiled by curses. Think of occult programs or films. People are often demonized, or their homes become demonized just by being exposed to such shows!

Here we have ‘transferring demons’ at a whole new level. AI, the new global ‘Ouija Board’, channeling demons in these last days. Surely, time to draw closer to Jesus and be protected from all that the bible predicts is coming.

"Scientific progress and Internet and mobile coverage proliferation in the last 8 years alone might have decreased the numbers dramatically. Still not as much as to liquidate the spiritual beliefs of the vast majority of the world's population.

So, the fact is this: technological progress as it is will take time and generations of change to convert the world's population from monotheistic religions to transhumanism.

Why has religion settled so deeply in the minds of our compatriots? What has enabled us to elevate the individuality of the human soul and proclaim our dominance on Planet Earth?

The simple answer is - consciousness...

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