Manifestation against vaccine passports in Stockholm 22 Jan 2022

3 years ago

Impressions from 22 Jan 2022 in Stockholm - from the huge freedom manifestation against the Vaccine Passports in Stockholm. It gathered (i believe around 10-13.000 or more people) and marks one of the biggest demonstrations in Swedens history (so it is said, I personally don't know). Yet - it is interesting, because earlier gatherings against the handling of the undemocratic Plandemic, often only gathered few people (400 usually)

A little movie clip in order to summarize the feeling from last Saturday (22 Jan 2022). Thank you Victor Thorell for the best images.

En liten film för att summera känslan från i lördags. Tack Victor Thorell för de bästa bilderna!

Source: widenet.

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