Andy Rethmeier - Rockin In The Free World (Audio)

3 years ago

New Song out! Worldwide Release Jan.18. 2022 in all Digital Music Stores!
Produced by Fabian Pirker/SAE,Vienna,Austria,
Music/Lyrics by Neil Young/Frank Sampedro
RAM-Austria-Records/DanceAllDay 2022

Andy Rethmeier, born `68 in Salzburg, Austria was starting out
with taking drum lessons when he was 7 y.o and was playing his
first show`s at the age of 13, with a local Austria`n folk group.
The very first rock-show was in 1983 with the Band "Splat"
in Hallein,Austria. Out of this show, Andy gets attention from
Salzburg based and local heroes heavy group "Speed Limit", because
there drumchair was vacant, and he gets the job, and nationwide success.
After the band split in the early 90ies, Andy build his own band project
"Roadhouse" and was starting out as a freelancing, independent musician,
tour and recording drummer with Artists like Russell Burke, Rattlesnake, Boogie Stuff, Jimy and the Zodiacs and Daniel T. Coates, Whispers in the Shadow, Carlos de Nicaragua, Braintrain, Delmar Brown and finally record producer and finally singer-songwriter
till today.Theres a new 2013 Hardrockband-Project with "Slide" from Austria.
It`s a new Project on the way in 2016; LnL Jam Company more back to the Rock&Roll with original Songs.
The Band was ready for Shows in 2017
and the first Record-"Six Shots" was released in Sep.2017.
Theres new Audios on the Video Page
LnL Jam Bobby Ray Loftig: Guit.,Vox.(USA),
Bernhard Seidl: Guit.(Austria), Berny Huber. Bass (Austria), Andy Rethmeier: Drums (Austria)
In 2018, Andy`s AC/DC Tribute Song "Sin City" will be released in all online StoresJan.29.2018
2019 starts with an Rock Tribute Band
the Coverband "Steel City Riders" from Austria!
For 2020 Andy work as a Freelancer in Coverbands and Recording Sessions and released one
Album -Let there be drums and one single-The battle of giants
In 2021 Andy is working with the "The Saloon 5" and released Solo one album (Braintrain Stations) and two singles (Braintrain-Don`t stop dancing, to remember)
In late summer Andy joins two new Bands: RocknRoll with "The Blue Danube Gang" and an Country Outfit: "50% Country Trash" doing Live Shows in Austria.
Andy Rethmeier arbeitet seit 1983 in verschiedenen Rockbands und ist seit Anfang 1993 als Freelancer und Studiomusiker in verschiedenen Bands und Projekten tätig, unter anderem mit Boogie stuff, Jimi and the Zodiacs, Russell Burke, Rattlesnake, Daniel t. Coates, Whispers in the shadow, Carlos De Nicaragua, Delmar Brown, Braintrain,usw. In Österreich wurde er als Schlagzeuger der Hardrockband Speed Limit (von 1985 bis 1993) bekannt. Er arbeitet seitdem als Live und Studio Musiker in zahlreichen Projekten in Österreich, Deutschland und den USA.
#Freeworld #rockinginthefreeworld #freedom #austria #vienna

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