How to Make a Crochet Hook

3 years ago

During the winter, the gardening slows down some on our little homestead and it gives us some time to work on a few hobbies. I've been wanting to learn a bit about doing woodwork on a lathe, so when our son started expressing some interest in making homemade spoons, I jumped at the opportunity to share in the woodworking fun together. In this video, our first try with some Apple wood is a bust, so we instead use some Oak we've had for a while.

I'm definitely no expert, but it's been fun learning how to use a lathe.

If you're interested in buying a handmade crochet hook, drop a comment below with your contact information or visit our website at

We hope to have a small bespoke crochet needle shop open soon there and while you're there you can also check out some of our other backyard homesteading ideas!

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