Eastern Sierra Hwy 395 time-lapse: Imagine the rain water harvest of a highway.

3 years ago

Imagine a new water resource along highways, where precipitation is filtered and captured on a massive scale. Stored underground there is no algae growth and no evaporation loss. The Highway becomes the collection surface and EPIC becomes the ROAD FILTER that manages and mitigates runoff pollution, while also storing a linear reservoir of water for future use moved by gravity, siphon, and /or solar pump.
Rural reservoirs to help fight wildfires, planting trees as windbreaks, mitigating nuisance water on the road surface that cause public safety issues, linear agriculture, watershed filtration, and water transfer to urban areas by an EPIC subsurface aqueduct system are just a few of the passive infrastructure total water solution techniques the Environmental Passive Integrated Conveyance can accomplish.
Learn more at http://epictws.com/ and http://roadfilter.com/

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