20220114 - Liberty Minute

3 years ago

I'm Peter Serefine and this is the Liberty Minute for Friday, day 670 of 15 days to flatten the curve.
Let's start today with a quote from Resident Biden,
“I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets — please deal with the misinformation and disinformation that’s on your shows. It has to stop”
Resident Biden, the way to deal with bad information is MORE information. The first amendment guarantees free speech, and like it or not, that includes lies, manipulation, and yes, even misinformation.
I believe that your statement borders on unconstitutional. No elected official should not be permitted to direct private industry to censor citizens. Your oath of office is to protect the Constitution, not your party's agenda. The fact that your approval rating has dropped to the low 30s does not give you some waiver.
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Until tomorrow, protect your liberties. Once they're gone there's no getting them back.

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