Learning and Growing, Family Systems - Jerry Wise

3 years ago


Family Tree's Live Stream October 30, 2018

Family (Relationship) Systems insights

Bowen Family Systems approach to relationships and recovery

Jerry Wise, MA, MS, CLC. He has 45 + years of experience helping people become more self-differentiated, unstuck, and overcome the effects of their family of origin imprinting and emotional functioning. He uses a Bowen Family Systems approach to help coach those who are in recovery, healing from Codependency, ACOA, Narcissism and other dysfunctional family-of-origin issues.

#narcissism #codependency #jerrywise #selfdifferentiation #trauma #ACOA #ACON

Recover through learning to become more calm, learning detachment and self-differentiation - contact Jerry Wise and his team.

Subscribe to You Tube Channel

“Standing Strong as an Adult Child of the Narcissist”
Workshop, plus three other workshops...
can be purchased or rented on his website

To work with Jerry Wise or his staff contact him at

He and his team work with individuals, couples, and families and business and organizational leaders to become strong self-differentiating people and leaders.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JerryWiseCon...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JerryWiseRS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jerrywise.rs/

Also on Spotify and Anchor.fm for online and offline listening. Take with you on the go, or at work.

"Not How but When" by Jerry Wise


DISCLAIMER: This video is not intended to substitute for professional help. Be sure to consult a professional in helping you with these, integrate, and utilize these concepts.


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