Tucker Carlson Tonight 27 Jan 2022

3 years ago

The IIC regime staffs itself with incompetent people. The example in this evening's monologue is the Secretary of Transportation, "Pothole" Pete Buttigieg. One of the worst mayors of a medium size city is now in charge of spending the 1.2 TRILLION dollar infrastructure bill windfall, but since he doesn't know what he's doing and his whole world revolves around equity and diversity, that is how the money will be spent. I bet you didn't expect that (RINOs) when you voted to pass this crap bill. Brian Kilmeade joins Tucker to discuss.
One of the beauties the IIC is considering to fill the seat that they evicted Justice Breyer from is Sherrilyn Ifill. I for one hope they nominate this non-lawyer, non-judge black activist birthing person. Even Lindsay Graham would go after her, and the entertainment value would be outstanding. Sotomayer is very hopeful as she would then no longer be the dumbest member of SCOTUS.
Bill Melugin joins Tucker to give an update on the viral videos of fighting age single men being transported and released all over the heartland of America. Your government at work people. Unbelievable. Charlie Leduff joins Tucker to discuss one particularly disturbing case.
Short clip from Tucker Carlson Originals about George Soros and Hungary. Excellent. I might upload this episode if I can find it in a downloadable format.
Benjamin Dichter, a Canadian Trucker, joins Tucker to give an update on the Anti-mandate Trucker's Convoy from BC to Ottawa. It is dozens of kilometers long and it is awesome. Of course the weasel Trudeau came down with a suspiciously timed case of Corona "exposure" and will not quarantine until the danger (from facing the Truckers) is over. What a POS.
All the usual suspects want to cancel Joe Rogan. Just imagine one of these crazy virtue signaling billionaires agrees to pay off Spotify with a billion or so. Would Rogan be safe. Let's be clear, this is all about the Benjamins. With enough Dinero, Spotify would throw Rogan overboard. Keep your eye on this. The Eye of Sauron never sleeps. VDH joins Tucker to talk about it.

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