Condensed Grand Unified Theory of the Paranormal

3 years ago

My last video was too rambling. This is the gist of my idea as narrowed down to a few simple premises. Tasty brain candy I hope.

Premise 1: Reality is a field of probabilities.

Premise 2: Human consciousness directly influences the fabric of reality, meaning it alters the probability of certain outcomes.

Premise 3: Joined consciousness of groups, ie egregores, has a more powerful effect on the field of probabilities that is reality.

Premise 4: Those who leave the reality-bending fields of their egregores step into the rawer field of probabilities that is reality in its native state.

Premise 5: That native state consists of those things we call the paranormal.

RESULT: by stepping outside of the influence of our egregores, we step into a rawer field of uncertainty in which things we call the paranormal have a much higher chance of manifesting.

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