700 aged care homes battling covid 19 outbreaks?.

2 years ago

The truth is: 700 aged care homes will battle the 3rd jab side effects and resulting deaths. The Virus is the Vaccine. 9 news Australia.

They do tell the Truth now and then on the mainstream news for those who still have brain cognitive function (No brain Fog) to hear what their telling us.

Karl at this point if he wasn't brain dead or sold out completely to big pharma should have stopped her mid sentence and asked WHY is she lamenting the 3rd shot booster rollout that they are saying is to slow in combating Omicron AMONGST AGED CARE HOMES if that same booster DOES NOT STOP THE ELDERLY CONTRACTING COVID.

And this is professional journalism? It seems they can say anything these days that even shows the CON of the vaccine program and still talk it up, but go out and get your boosters anyway.

Hell NO.... Karl your'e a Devil and a LIAR.

What's the push to get the elderly third jabbed if it makes them more susceptible to contracting Covid?. Why would anyone submit to that? It's not reasonable.

Why are they bio injecting the elderly then with a third shot if by this woman's admission (An Expert) that it doesn't protect them from CV19 Delta Omicron or what ever the heck they come out with next.

Its not really safe and effective then is it this so called vaccine?

It should be stopped immediately.

When 29 people were KILLED by Pfzier in Norway in Aged care in January 2021 then the Program should have ceased GLOBALLY immediately.
Pfzier then should have been Trialed and sentenced for causing death.

Depopulation (Genocide) is the governments goal in the pushing of these gene therapy based bio weapons to the Australian public 5 years old and above.

Australian Government. Therapeutic Goods Administration.

TGA weekly vaccine safety report: 104,000+ Adverse reactions registered in Australia and 755+ registered deaths of Australians by the Bio weapon CV19 injections. Of which they say only 11 people have died because of the vaccines officially after their review of the 755+ registered deaths so far.

Well that's all coincidental and extremely Rare says the TGA and not likely linked to the (bad medicine injections). That is injury or death induced by Vaxx.

Bulls..t. LIES LIES LIES. Damnation awaits these Murderers.
Professor John Skerritt.

By government which is sworn to protect its Citizens.

They are spilling our BLOOD Australia.

This is a Spiritual WAR and a Physical one.

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