David Holt

3 years ago

About David
When I was 18 years old, a horrible car accident introduced me to hell. My 3-year-old cousin, Christian, was like a son to me. He had just fallen asleep in the VW van seat next to me. We lived in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I was on my way to pay the workers in my Aunt’s rug weaving business.

He wasn’t even supposed to be with me, but there was mix up with the nanny. I had a black out for a few seconds, and hit a tree head on. Nobody could believe I was alive, let alone not severely mangled. Christian survived too …but in a coma for one week, then passed.

The guilt was overwhelming. The pain intense. If I had been drinking or smoking (pot), I might have taken my life, but it was a freakish unexplainable black out. Another aspect of the nightmare was right before the accident. I was thinking to myself, “Wow, I’m learning how to run a business, learning Spanish, right after high school…life is going pretty good!”

Then wham, something terrible happened. It imprinted on me that if life is good, something bad will happen. Happiness equaled tragedy. For the next 27 years of my life, up until January 2012, I engaged is self-destructive behaviors.

At the same time, I was very spiritual. When I was around 21 years old, an obsessive passion came over me, and has been the strongest driving force in my life ever since – To live much more as my Higher Self/Soul. Then in October 1997, I had quite an experience while riding my bicycle in Santa Cruz, CA. My Higher Self came to me in my mind, surfing the starry sky on a lit up surfboard. Cosmic white light sprayed as he carved waves through space.

The Love I felt was astounding, all encompassing, and immense. I also felt a blend of Joy, Fun, Laughter, Prosperity, Happiness and Freedom all rolled into one cohesive overall feeling. The ‘isness’ of it was constant, absolute…something that could be counted on for eternity.

In that respect, it was unlike anything in this world. It’s beyond words, so I did my best. ‘He’ informed ‘me’ that my passion to live like this more was real! And that this is the Highest Purpose, from which all other purposes are supported.

Today I am grateful and honored to be able to help people feel their True Happiness, from their Soul. Soul Powered Happiness. And to live from that space much more of the time. It’s what I was born to do. Along with that, Healing power naturally comes through me. I’ve also learned other techniques that in include True Forgiveness, Reiki and Quantum-Touch (energy healing modalities), Hypnotherapy, Voice Dialogue, Akashic Records, Shamanic Journeying, Channeling, and Divination Card reading.

I live in San Francisco with my beloved wife, an amazing son and daughter, two cool cats, and one awesome dog. I am blessed to be three blocks from the ocean, and walk to surf and play at amazing Ocean Beach.

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