Dr Mark Bauerlein Describes the Most Potent Threat to the Survival of America

3 years ago

Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Professor Mark Bauerlerin, Professor Emeritus of Emory University about his new book, The Dumbest Generation Grows Up: From Stupefied Youth to Dangerous Adults, which will be published by Regnery Books on 1 February 2022.

Dr. Bauerline's title very aptly describes and does justice to the content of the book, which, in turn, presents an accurate picture and analysis of one of the most potent threats to the survival of the American republic. That enemy is the generation called Millennials, a group that was once ballyhooed by the intelligentsia as the golden generation that would make America the envy of a new woke world.

--Dr. Bauerline also has written: The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Keopardizes our Future (Or, Don't trust Anyone Under 30), 2009

--Both books noted herein are available at Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and Regnery Publishing, https://www.regnery.com/contact-us/

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