Real talk as we see agendas unfold globally.

2 years ago

We have warned for many years now and the culmination of all that the followers enjoy, those of evil are steaming ahead whilst we are entertained by truth Sayers and shit sprayers.

I can only say how I see it, if I'm wrong..inform me and we'll discuss it.
Cold War 2.0 coming soon..don't be fooled, it will eventually be the time of red.

The time for debate is over, the time to chase is done.
Now, who are you?
Really, at your core, who do you see looking back?
Can you face the future, are you able to do?
Are you physically and mentally strong, is your spirit a fighter?
Now we'll see who claims and who can deliver.
Don't wait for help, become and just BE.

Much L❤️VE


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