The Intentional Faith Podcast - Premier Episode

3 years ago

Is Life Really Meaningless?

The world needs another podcast, right? Why would I do this?

I've been toying with the idea of adding a podcast to the mix for a while now. Think of it as Monday Morning Moments on steroids.

Seriously though, If you've followed me for any amount of time here at Intentional Faith, you'll know that I will not shy away from what might generally be considered controversial issues. God knows there's certainly plenty of those around right now. But it is not, nor ever will be my intent to get stuck in the web of political discourse; that's better left to other podcasts. My approach is always to take the problems, controversies and challenges of life and look at them through the lens of faith.
So, I'll still be bringing you Monday Morning Moments but they will be biweekly (you might have noticed I've already started that). The podcasts will be biweekly also, on the weeks we don't post a MMM.

What can you expect?

Here's a sampling of future episodes:
Did the Rolling Stones Have This Right?
A World Without Faith
The Death of Education and Our Way of Life
Hope versus Depression
How Do You Feel About Labels?

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