God is good all the time 424: Parables, Pharisees and "Sinners"

2 years ago

Luke 15 is the beginning of a section of parables that Jesus told to a group of Pharisees that were mumbling against Him for sitting with tax collectors and "sinners". Well just who are the sinners that are mentioned in the beginning of the chapter? Well it dawned on me that the characters that are involved in this series of parables are Pharisees and lets just say non Pharisees...starting to get the picture? Jesus is there and so are those who are not pharisees and the Pharisees are making judgments about all that they see going on. Well we have people that are just as the Pharisees were then, judgmental and coming across as better than all others because of a certain set of rules that were imposed...by them. And we have people like that in the Church of God like that today as well. Join me as I take a look and see who are the "sinners" that are there in Luke 15.

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