
2 years ago

Astigmatism is when a person looks somewhere and sees double. For example, trying to read some text and it`s doubled.
Astigmatism can appear if a person looks at the screen when lying on a bad, or if a screen much is lower than the eyes level. He greatly overstrains the eye muscles unevenly, the internal rectus muscles of the eyes, plus the lower rectus muscles of the eyes, which are responsible for the movement of the eyes downward and oblique muscles of the eyes that squeeze the eyeball to see at close distance.
Eye muscles become unevenly hypertrophied, overtrained. But the external rectus muscles, and the upper rectus muscles, are stretched and weak.
When one muscle of the eye is strong, and the other is stretched and weak and stronger one pulls the eyeball more than the other, refraction gets impaired, this condition of the eyes is called astigmatism and the picture begins to double.
The top 3 exercises to cure astigmatism are on my channel

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