What is Simuology? Do we live in a simulation? Part 1

3 years ago

In this first video, Chris explains a little bit about Simuology; what it is and how it helps us understand more of The System.

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For more information, please see the book Simuology Volume I https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B09NJ8TJFK

Simuology is a spiritual concept which suggests our current existence takes place within a simulation - referred to as The System. Simuology is made up of multiple research methods, and classifications, which help active researchers, known as Simuologists, understand more of their individual existence.

Simuologists apply specific methods within Simuology to expand their knowledge of The System, God and Consciousness. These methods, chronicled within multiple Volumes, help the reader discover underlying truths to the simulation we all live in, and what lies beyond.

The first book in this series, takes the reader on a journey of conscious discovery, by discussing topics such as Religion, Near Death Experiences, Talking with the Dead, Dreams, Meditation, Karma, Manifestation, Synchronicity, The Mandela Effect, Time Travel, Multiple Dimensions, The Matrix, Aliens, and more.

By combining the basic methods, such as Religion, Science, Philosophy, History, Paranormal, Spirituality, Communication and Technology, the reader is taught specific techniques to look for underlying clues within the simulation itself. These "clues", help the reader achieve a higher conscious state within The System, thereby progressing to a deeper understanding in their journey.

Christopher Foust, a VR Developer, with over 15 years of programming, and design, provides a clear overview of The System and how it is connected to all of us. This even includes a possible Armageddon scenario called "The Great Reset", which is due to arrive in 2030. As you
follow along with him, he begins to uncover incredible clues which could confirm these suspicions.

Simuology is a belief, and a conscious study, unlike any other. It unravels the mysteries of our existence, and everything else around us.

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