₪ The Warriors - "Ajax Uncuffed"

3 years ago

The fourth in the Warriors Profiles series. Ajax's trademark love for women is inexistent as he is released from police custody. Upon returning back to Coney Island, Ajax decides that revenge is the first order of business. But will he be able to find the undercover cop that got him arrested?

Update 25/11/15: Jay Z is a bitch and muted the audio track during the credits like a bitch would. So had to change it up. Fuck you Jay Z.

Be sure to check out the other Warriors Profiles

2008 Gor Man Productions


This video was made using "The Warriors" PS2 video game and is an original idea from Gor Man Productions.

UPDATE 10/11/08: The "unknown" song in this vid (0:17) is actually 'The Horror' by RJD2. Thanks to Weavology for finding this out. Cheers bud.

CREATORS NOTE: Took a while to get this one out. Probably wouldn't have done it if I didn't get so much positive feedback about the other ones, so thanks to all for your comments!

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