Vatican is the Illuminati

3 years ago

Rome still rules the world.The Vatican is not so much a religion as a tax exempt corporation and a city state and an incredibly corrupt one at that. It is time for certain truths to be revealed the Roman Empire never truly fell it just changed its outer clothing.One of the titles of the Pope is Pontifex Maximus, the same as Roman Emperors.. The Black Pope and the Jesuit Military Order continue to rule over the entire world from Rome. The Jesuit Military order controls the Knights of Malta, the CIA, Mossad, MI5, the Mafia and World Freemasonry. There is in fact no conflict between the Vatican and World Freemasonry.The Rothschilds are merely the banking family for the Jesuits and Zionism (a political ideology) is used as a vehicle for destabilizing the Middle East.The upper echelon at the Vatican certainly do not practice Catholicism themselves but their own Esoteric Mystery School system of belief and jealously guard all occult knowledge for their own use. Responsible for mass genocides during the Inquisitions and having a deep predilection for pedophilia, they preach the humility and simple living of Christ to the masses while hoarding gold and living in luxury. The Vatican wiped out countless indigenous cultures and burnt and destroyed countless books and codices to hide the facts and maintain their stranglehold on spiritual truth.The biggest statue at the Vatican is one not of Christ or Mary but a giant pine-cone. Why a pine-cone? Because it represents the pineal gland and the Third Eye, the gate to other spiritual worlds, worlds from which they invoke dark principalities. The Vatican is the Illuminati.

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