Graphene -Building Blocks to DNA Cloning & Transhumanism

2 years ago

Black Programmable Matter (GOO) is the computer DNA sequence of a computer program to make 3-dimensional images out of nothing.

This is the new birthing of this new race without a soul. Information here will finally connect the dots of several things which taken separately most would never figure out, but put together you have a much sinister plan of humanity's enemy!

Cloning---Writable DNA-----3D Printing----Mind Consciousness Downloading ...They Say "THINK SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY"

Gives new meaning to SHAPESHIFTING

You now have the recipe for creating life another way other than the Creator's plan!

Scientific Community telling you
Movies telling you in Symbolism
Music videos telling you in Symbolism
Commercials telling you

Holy Bible telling you the BUILDERS who rejected the true cornerstone (Jesus Christ) [Acts 4:11]

The Elite believe they can escape by creating empty vessels to dwell in!
The Elite want to use the tech to live forever in the physical, but also use it to enslave future is the Abomination that is put in the Temple of God that causes desolation, where God can not dwell!

Remember...Not all things are just sci-fiction anymore....some ideas are preprogramming the masses for the future!

Video by Nicholson1968

*Amos37 does not always agree with all aspects of videos uploaded.

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