How the Human Trafficking Industry Works - With Voices Against Trafficking Founder Andi Buerger

3 years ago

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and Andi Buerger, founder of Voices Against Trafficking and survivor, once again joins London Center for Policy Research President Tony Shaffer on Thought to Action for an in-depth discussion on how the Human Trafficking Industry works, how predators lure their victims (and find their customers), the inter-twining of powerful people and traffickers, how to protect your neighborhood's children from these people and what to do if you suspect human trafficking is happening near you.

Andi is a survivor and founder of Voices Against Trafficking, whose new book -- Voices Against Trafficking: The Strength of Many Voices Speaking as One -- is out now and available on Amazon and other digital outlets.

Find out more about Voices Against Trafficking on the organization's website:

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Thought to Action is presented by the London Center for Policy Research

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