Embalmers finding veins, arteries filled with never before seen rubbery clots since mid 2021

3 years ago

Embalmers know what the look and mechanical properties of traditional blood clots are. Since mid 2021 they have been finding a different type of clots in the dead:

These clots tend to be white, while traditional blood clots are very dark red to black.
These clots tend to be rubbery and strong, while traditional blood clots are soft.
These clots are found in both veins and arteries, while traditional blood clots are almost exclusively found in veins.

Board-certified Embalmer and funeral Director, Richard Hirschman, says that about half of the bodies are having these clots. In his previous 20 years as an embalmer, he saw blood clots "once in a while" but not anywhere near 50% of the bodies.

Richard has confirmation that some of the bodies in which he has seen these new type of clots, are from people who've had the COVID jab. From other bodies he does not have this confirmation, but the fact that these clots only started showing up from mid 2021 and are now in more than half of the bodies, is mighty strong indirect evidence if you ask me.

That is very well known that spike proteins cause clotting is another piece of the puzzle. It is known that the jab is incredibly effective in inducing a massive bolus dose of toxic spike proteins, so massive clotting issues are to be expected.

Hirschman has discussed his findings with colleagues who have up to 50 years experience. They all say the same: never before have they seen these type of clots, but since mid 2021 are they common.

Hirschman mentions that the share of bodies with the white clots seem to be rising. The cause of death in the majority of the cases has to do with clotting, e.g. heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism.

It is not yet known what the chemical composition of these clots is, but Richard is working on finding someone with the necessary expertise and equipment, who can help him find out.

In the month of January 2022, Richard has embalmed about 35 people of which 20-24 (57%-69%) had the fibrous clots. The rate for December 2021 was about 50%.

Embalming requires that the blood is drained from a corpse and replaced with embalming fluid. When Richard wanted to do this process, he noticed resistance. When he did further research into what was causing the resistance, he notices the fibrous clots.


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SOURCE: https://rumble.com/vtcsgw-worldwide-exclusive-embalmers-find-veins-and-arteries-filled-with-never-bef.html

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