Is Biden Part Armadillo?

2 years ago

Is Biden Part Armadillo?

Since it looks like they’re doing a stealth move gathering biometrics using the IRS I decided to give all of them a score. Definitely a throwback to the halcyon days of Otrauma when the IRS was used to suppress political opposition. The depths of depravity do not stop there however. Since the leftists have shut down and killed many businesses they’ve had an epiphany. No worky no taxy from the slaves. The only ones still working in their burned out cities are criminals.
So the IRS page has guidance for the criminals because everyone knows law abiding criminals will obey. IRS Page Copy below
It was amazing to watch as Justin Trudeau decided to force vaccines on anyone driving a truck between the US and Canada. Maybe he thought only the Americans are the ones refusing the clot shot so Canadian drivers would have an edge. I don’t care why he did it, it’s still a tone deaf move. Not to be outdone the queen of PC Pete Bootiejudge was more than likely the reason we followed suit. Post partum depression can drive people to near insanity.

Speaking of insanity Winnie the pooh locking down ports. This is supposedly to ensure the omicron which is already out doesn’t get out. They’re locking people up in camps with trailers just like Australia is. I suspect the real reason is this; a dam or two broke and flooded their open coal mine. They’ve had numerous floods of late and that has also led to food rationing. The big problem for Xi aka winnie is that people are noticing he’s screwing everything up and a lot of people are out of work because businesses went elsewhere. The Chinese communist way of getting rid of problems is to just get rid of those who are aware of them. They have a middle class that has recently been screwed by the CCP ineptitude causing a huge realeste failure and that I suspect is what is causing the lockdowns. It’s also a rerun of the last pandemic kabuki theater they pulled off, that allowed the democrats the leverage they needed through fear to create violations of election laws over here.

All parents held an image of what school rooms were like because they remembered. One thing that happened as a result of the lockdowns is that certain people failed to realize what the actual dynamics might look like in the end. The scamdemic gave those of us at home with our children a chance to see how radical leftist teachers view their students versus how we thought they saw them. Fortunately many people are now wide awake to the woke.

Clearly everyone made the mistake by saying Biden is a weak leader because now he’s going to try to appear tough as nails in Ukraine. We should have called him stupid more so that rather than trying to appear brave he might have tried for intelligent. I wish someone would write I quit at the end of one of hs speeches. Two former presidents will be thrilled the focus won’t be on them anymore for what is coming. Carter who shifted towards mainland china and away from our ally Taiwan where most of our reliable Integrated circuit chips come from and also lost control of the Panama canal. And Bubba Clinton who allowed China to take over the Panama canal by ignoring Panamanian pleas and then helped bring China into the world trade organization as most favored nation. There’s a reason they used to call him their man in the White house. Clinton helped the Chinese to a lot more than that. I don’t have time to go into all of it. I have an entire series on the DNC China syndrome link below. When Xi Jing Ping was asked what he thought of Biden he didn’t give a straight answer he just smiled and mumbled “Grateful.”

Poor Justice Breyer just discovered he’s retiring so that Uncle Joe can appoint a black woman to his position. CNN and MSNBC are making certain that’s the only requirement. The absurdity of that is that he has a track record of doing just that. He picked losing candidate Kamala who quit before the first primary as his VP running mate. Fortunately people are paying much closer attention these days. They’ve noticed that the leftists have lowered the bar on standards to the point where they’re a tripping hazard.

The more I see of these people the more I’m reminded of a pack of Armadillos. You can scare them and they’ll run ten feet, forget and start doing whatever they were doing when you scared them. When near a road they’ll hang out in the middle of it and when a car is about to run them over they don’t freeze and drop they jump up and take out your grill, radiator and whatever else they can. To some of us they’re known as Southern Lemmings.

I mentioned my thread regarding China and the DNC. Links to every one of them are in the discussion part of the video page. Here’s the first one.
The DNC’s China Syndrome Part 1

If you want to get a look at what is going on now in China here are some links. If you were paying full attention when the entire mess start in 2020 you’ll notice some parallels. The blue states will be the only ones listening and they will take their cue from this for a repeat performance from the 2020 eection.
Hindustan times here
WION here there are 5 video clips in this one.
China Uncensored has some good info on the impending financial collapse and blame game.

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