Best of Krown Chakra Freestyles w/ a little bit of truth ...or not

3 years ago

Browsing through the archives and found some #freestyles
Same dude-different levels of consciousness.
Probably make songs out of a few of heard it raw & uncut first!! Thanks for tapping in wit me one time.
Peace & Prosperity. Happy You Year!!!

Crypto girlfriend song + bonus NFT

#buythedip #candlesandwicks #higherconsciousness #buylowsellhigh #scaredmoneydontmakenomoney #cutoff #opensea #prosperity #sriyantra #realrap #cryptorapper #cryptorap #indieartist #bitcointo100racks #rapmusic #wokerapper #rap #hiphop #marketcipher #bitcoin #ethereum #health #healthyvideos #wisdom #knowledge #nft #metaverse #krownchakra #crownchakra #levelup

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