2022 JAN 26 Vic Stasi Police THREATEN jail unless Avi REMOVES this video which Rebel Will not Do

2 years ago

The police came knocking at reporter Avi Yemini's home to THREATEN him with JAIL if he doesn't take down a news video that we recently published.

MAY 29, 2021: THE VIDEO THAT’S AN INDICTMENT AGAINST THE VICTORIAN POLICE. Police Brutality Caught on Body Cam they assaulted us, then charged us with assault https://rumble.com/vmfhp0-police-bodycam-proves-the-mainstream-media-was-hiding-the-truth.html published September 12, 2021 Republished 26th Jan 2022 https://rumble.com/vtdnfx-2022-jan-26-why-has-vic-police-threaten-jail-unless-avi-removes-video-2021m.html

Victoria Police delivered a letter to my home.

It was signed by a senior officer — Acting Detective Sergeant Adam Moore of the Victoria Police Crime Squad.

The letter didn't mince words.

If I don't take down a news video that I recently published, I could face two years in prison.

Read the letter for yourself: Acting Detective Sergeant 36385 Adam Moore https://rebelne.ws/3G3Bwhw

Imagine having this delivered to you at home. I think they did that on purpose to upset my family.

Victoria Police Command don't like me much. You've witnessed them arrest me, assault me and even go after my team. This isn't the first time they've come to my home to intimidate me. And as you know, I'm already suing them https://www.rebelnews.com/tags/stand_with_avi for that misconduct.

But this isn't like all the previous attacks on me. In the past, they'd rough me up a bit, throw me in the back of a police vehicle, but then just let me go.


All for showing you a news report, in the public interest, that dared to shed light on shocking, brutal, authoritarian conduct by Victoria Police.

(That sort of proves my point, doesn't it?)

By now, you must be wondering which of my videos they say is illegal.

They say I could go to prison for a long time for showing you.

But I'm not taking down that news report. In fact, I want as many people as possible to see it — not only to see what Victoria Police Command don't want you to see, but also to prove that we're still a free country. (At least, I hope we are.)

I'm not making this decision lightly or rashly.

As you know, we regularly consult lawyers before doing our most important stories. In this case, I have consulted with Justin Quill, Australia's leading media lawyer.

This is his reply to the police — I think it's just right: https://rebelne.ws/3G3Bwhw

In a free country, that would be the end of it. In fact, in a genuinely free country, I never would have received that threat letter from the police in the first place.

We've already had to spend money on our legal defence here. And if I have learned anything about Victoria Police this past year, it's that they will use their unlimited resources to bully anyone who doesn't submit to them — especially independent journalists like me.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: https://rumble.com/vtd3xg-watch-police-threaten-jail-unless-i-take-down-this-video.html

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