THE TIDE IS TURNING! Dr. Fuellmichs Team is After Covid Criminals

2 years ago

2022 Update on NUREMBURG 2.0 by Reiner Fuellmich!!!
Brussels press Conference 23.01.2022 - Prof. Peronne, Dr. Henrion Caudes, Dr. Stuckelberger, Reiner Fuellmich

From Brussels, Chloé Frammery interviewed Reiner Fullmich who confirmed that an international tribunal may be starting as early as next week. Other legal actions are also taking place in South Africa, India, Poland, and Canada. Bill Gates faces the death penalty in India, but not a word in the complicate mainstream media.This interview was also immediately censored by YouTube and Facebook which is also complicate in crimes against humanity.

Agora TV News:

THE TIDE IS TURNING! Dr. Fuellmichs Team is After Covid Criminals

Truth Seekers Worldwide
Published on 20 Jan 2022 / In News and Politics
In this revealing and comprehensive interview by Maria Zeee and Dr. Fuellmich of the German Corona Investigative Committee explains in detail what the Committee’s first lawsuit will do.

Dr. Fuellmich says many people would like to call it Nuremberg 2.0, but for him it is more of a people’s trial than a Nuremberg type tribunal.

Among the first ones to be on trial:

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Dr. Tedros, General Director of WHO and Mr. Christian Drosten, the man who pushed and promoted the useless PCR test no end – and still does, even after WHO and CDC have said the test is not valid for detecting viral diseases, including covid.

In this video interview Dr. Fuellmich also talks about spirituality, he believes that spirituality will play an important role in humanity’s evolving and winning this case; in not giving up and in a future new society which Reiner believes will be based on local or regional societies, with local supplies, and regional trade.
Italy Protest Movement against the “Vaccine Passport”

Our – humanity’s – new beginning will be based on local production for local consumption with local sovereign money and banking systems and regional trade based on comparative advantages.

Dr. Fuellmich expressed much hope, and with his explanations on how far the work of his Corona Investigative Committee has come, he expects that about 30% of the population are awake, can no longer be fooled, and another 40% are in the process of waking up – demonstrating throughout Europe, what has so far been mostly hidden by the mainstream media, and can no longer be silenced.

This is an interview of tremendous hope enhanced by a spiritual force that will turn an irreversible

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