85 05 02 1120 STS ~ Foundations 4.12 - Biblical Research - May 02 1985 - Dr. Wierwille bible english

2 years ago

Scripture Index: John 10:10; Psalm 121:1, 2; 46:10; John 14:6; Acts 4:11, 12; John 4:24; 1:18; 2 Timothy 2:15; Psalm 119:162; Jeremiah 15:16; Matthew 15:1-3, 6-9; 4:4; Nehemiah 8:5-8; John 20:31; 2 Timothy 2:15; James 1:21; Titus 1:9

What is research? Biblical research is not primarily to learn something new, but it is to re-research, to re-investigate, to re-discover anew the scriptures for ourselves in order to know what God has revealed to us and for our learning. All the benefits of our Biblical research work, all the benefits are designed for those who desire to hear – and that is teaching. When believers meet, that is fellowship. So that is The Way Biblical research, teaching and fellowship ministry.

Now, all believing equals receiving. Nobody ever receives anything without believing. Believing equals receiving. What you are doing today will determine your tomorrow. Basically the heart-cry of every man, I should say the heart-cry of every young individual, basically, is for help. Perhaps when you reach the adult stage (that some of us have arrived at) you get to that place where your heart no longer cries for help because you have come to the conclusion that there’s no help any place, anyway, anyhow. But, dealing with a lot of young people through all of these years of my life in the ministry, the young people, children, young people and young adults, basically are always crying for help. Their hearts (they may not say this on the outside – they may cover), but deep within their hearts, they are really crying for help; they’re looking for help. Man’s help never comes from any other basic source than God. The government really cannot help you nor can all the social programs or anything else. Man’s basic cry for help is God.

In Psalm 121 - this first verse is inaccurate in King James, but we’ll correct it according to the text and get it right on – King James says:

Psalm 121:1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

All the pagan temples, all over the world, basically, are built on hills. They always put their temples at the top of the hill to be sure that everybody in the valley and in town could see them up there. Those of us who’ve traveled in other countries, besides these our United States, have seen this also in other countries – that their temples, their places of worship, are always built on hills. That’s where they worship their gods. King James says, “[I’ll] lift up mine eyes unto the hills.” No, no, no. The original text reads, “Shall I [it’s a question], shall I lift up mine eyes unto the hills?” What’s on the hills? The temples, to what? The pagan gods. “[Shall] I lift up mine eyes unto the hills? From whence cometh my help[?]” The question. My help does not come from the pagan temples on the hills, my help …

Verse 2 My help cometh from the LORD … [who] made heaven and earth.

That’s the accuracy of verse 1 of Psalm 121. The heart’s cry of the common man is for help. The help doesn’t come from pagan gods, from temples built upon hills. “My help cometh from the Lord [who] made heaven and earth.” He is a God who does not dwell in temples made with human hands. God is a Spirit. You see, the counterfeit is so much like the genuine; you have to know the accuracy of God’s Word if you’re ever going to separate truth from error. Without knowing the accuracy of God’s Word, you will never be able to separate truth and error....

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