Economic Warning Signs | The Gold Standard #2203

3 years ago

The US and the other world countries are in difficult economic situations that will be impossible to get out of comfortably. We devote this episode to the various warning signs popping up all around us. An excellent example of this dilemma is the wholesale printing of money that we often talk about.

The Fed has been issuing reverse repurchase agreements on an unprecedented scale to offset the mountains of money they have created, but these knee-jerk tactics only kick the can further down the street. The Fed has announced that it will no longer add holdings in government bonds in the second quarter. So, hold onto your seats; interest rates are going to rise.

Here are some of the other warning signs mentioned in this episode of The Gold Standard:

Warren Buffett’s Indicator Signals Impending Crash

Billionaire investor Warren Buffet warns of climbing inflation. Last year, Buffett’s favorite market indicator, which gives a rough barometer reading of the Stock Market’s valuation relative to the size of the US economy, hit 205 percent, signaling an overvalued stock market. The “Buffett Indicator” takes the combined capitalization of all publicly traded US stocks and divides it by the latest quarterly figure for Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Michael Burry’s Dire Warning

You might remember Michael Burry’s character from the movie “The Big Short.” He was the intelligent American investor who predicted the mortgage loan collapse long before it happened. Now, Burry points out that speculation on the stock market has surpassed levels, not since the Roaring Twenties, and assets are more over-valued than before the bubble burst in the 1990s.

The rampant speculation and the over-valued assets are just two of the storm systems converging on countries all over the planet. Another is the geopolitical strife which seems as unmanageable as the worsening economic conditions. When the bubbles finally pop and the irresponsible fiscal policies collapse, there will be an economic calamity, unlike anything we’ve seen before. Like the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Reserve, so-called regulators are doing nothing to prevent any of it. Their actions contribute to the storm’s velocity. All the elements have come together in a pressure-cooker environment.

The Alarm Bells of Rising Inflation Are Getting Louder

The US began the decade with twelve percent inflation. The return of inflation is part of a more significant shift that has taken place in the global mindset. Central banks and governments bend over backward to prevent the everyday citizen from feeling the pinch of a financial crisis. The focus is on relief packages and patronage economic policies, protectionism, and short-term gimmicks. No one is thinking about how to stabilize the economy long-term. That’s why everyone needs to learn about what’s going on and take steps to protect their purchasing power.

Twenty-five countries, including the US and China, have total debt above 300 percent of GDP. This level of disproportionate imbalance has never happened before.

The Credit Suisse Gold Bar

In this episode, Ken Russo shares one of his favorite Gold Bars, the Credit Suisse Gold Bar. Ken describes the gold bullion product in vivid detail that it is easy to imagine holding the shiny gold bar in your hand. He also explains why the Credit Suisse gold bar is a valuable and sound investment. The Credit Suisse gold bars set the standard quality and craftsmanship and are IRA-approved.

The History of Credit Suisse

The Credit Suisse company is over one hundred and fifty years old. Imagine that. The Swiss financial and precious metal company has survived two world wars and has thrived through dramatic changes in the economic and industrial landscape. Initially founded to help finance the construction and expansion of a railroad system to connect Switzerland with neighboring nations, the business has grown into a multinational organization with precious metal and financial entities worldwide.

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