Calling all OG ‘STEM’ Students to Peer Review

3 years ago

Our fragmented information systems are worse than ever, thanks to how the worldwide web is designed.
It’s so bad that instead of explaining RFK He’s Anne Frank statement with context, even his wife was apologizing on Twitter for it. Let’s hope at least she understands the context because I do!
Right now, patients are not getting effective or timely treatment for Covid-19 because we’ve basically given our power over to a system that is unethical. Scientific papers are not read by the public, we are just told everything is in order.
Right now, people are being forced to choose between their job and their short- and longterm health, even if they have natural immunity.
Taking medical decisions away from doctors and their patients IS a life or death matter, and unfortunately it’s not just about hiding or escaping the government. So that is what he meant by that statement.
We need group peer review if we are to get to the truth.
Anyone who loves math and science in school needs to bone up and start reading data. We should be debating real data in virtual “salons” with ground rules and mutual respect.
It sounds lofty but it’s actually very necessary.

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