The David Knight Show 26Jan22 - Unabridged

2 years ago

* Chip Roy & other members of Congress: Shut government down IF mandates continue
* Hospitals (and media) BRAG about denying heart, kidney and other organ transplants to terminally ill patients. We know where this leads
* The case against bipartisan push for war with Russia over Ukraine. 85% of Americans oppose a war but does M.I.C. care?
* Mayor turned “Climate Activist” documents her CLUELESS search to charge an EV so she can make it to a climate “summit”. Spoiler: she doesn’t make it.
* Trucker “Freedom Convoy” still ignored — except for a baseless attack on the organizers by media and an attack by the Canadian Trucking Association against its own members

Segment 1 begins approximately 00:02:00

Update on supply lines cut by new Trudeau/Biden vaccine mandates for truckers:

- Canadian MP calls mandates to disrupt supplies, terrorism

- Truckers attacked by their trade association that never defended them

- Media attacks fundraising, organizers respond

- “Police on Guard for Thee” defend freedom

Segment 2 begins approximately 00:25:00

* FBI investigating large organization giving bogus test results

* Test monkeys escape in crash and how Fauci’s gain of function was initially stopped as infected animals escaped along with pathogens

* BoJo being investigated by police for violating lockdown

Segment 3 begins approximately 00:42:44

* NY mask mandates stopped by state Supreme Court, but now that order is stayed pending appeal

* DEATH PANELS — ushered in with vaccine mandates

- Man denied heart transplant because unvaccinated (other countries don’t recommend for males his age due to myocarditis, pericarditis risk)

- Video of doctor coldly denying kidney transplant to man because he’s unvaccinated. He will be left to die

Segment 4 begins approximately 01:01:10

* Sky News UK headline says Olympic gold medalist who died on ventilator was “anti-vaxer” — he got the jab, then died they report in the body of the article

* Quebec requires unvexed to be escorted through BigBox retail stores like Walmart to ensure they don’t buy anything but food or pharmaceuticals. Walmart eagerly complies

* California lawmaker wants to jab kids 12 and up without parental knowledge

* RFK apologizes, unnecessarily, for using Anne Frank when pointing out no one will be able to hide from the coming technocratic tyranny if not stopped.

Segment 5 begins approximately 01:22:56

* Why is the establishment easing up in some jurisdictions? What are they scheming?

* Congressman Chip Roy is trying to rally GOP to block funding government IF they continue vaccine mandates

Segment 6 begins approximately 01:39:40

* Pelosi, 81, will run yet again for Congress. What motivates her and Fauci?

* Gas war — Biden’s war against fuel succeeds in raising fuel futures 50%

* New 5G spectrum will interfere with 10% of flights but FAA says no problem. Another 10-30% of economy and supply chain cut off

* Hilarious video diary — Mayor turned “Climate Activist” documents her CLUELESS search to charge an EV so she can make it to a climate “rally”. Spoiler: she doesn’t make it.

* Tesla on autopilot runs over and kills autonomous robot

* Driver in UK stops knife murderer in the act by running over him. UK police don’t like citizens defending themselves

Segment 7 begins approximately 02:06:07

* Biden and the bipartisan war machine escalate tensions with Russia over Ukraine

— only 15% of Americans approve of escalation

— one NATO country says it will pull soldiers out of NATO contingents stationed in the region

— new USA aircraft carrier design is a dismal failure in testing, both of its ability to defend itself and in its core function of launching aircraft

* Biden’s 12 months of scandals

Segment 8 begins approximately 02:33:29

* Christian persecution, Bible as criminal “hate speech”

* Listeners take exception to my Howard Stern comments

* Writer launches broad on attack Christians adopting children as participating in child trafficking

* Another “theological seminary” pushes CRT, this time attacking Andy Griffith’s Mayberry as “akin to Nazi Germany and apartheid South Africa”

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