Guy Gets Crushed by Tree

3 years ago

Occurred on October 18, 2018 / Cherry Valley, Illinois, USA

Info from Licensor: "Tim Fusco was helping a friend cut down a tree in Cherry Valley, Illinois when it split up the middle landing on top of him. He didn't know the tree was dead inside and would split. Having a falling tree on one side of him and a creek on the other side, he had nowhere to go, so he ducked and covered his head the best he could in a split second. He was rushed to the hospital and had many tests which confirmed he had a shattered pelvis, caused from his hip bone blowing through it and out the back side. The ball of the hip had broken off the femur and his pelvis was in several pieces. He had a collapsed lung caused from the 11 broken ribs on that side. He also had three broken ribs on the opposite side, but thankfully that lung was okay. He spent 9 days in the ICU, the first 5 in a medically induced coma with a chest tube. He required a 7-hour long surgery to repair his hip and pelvis. He remained in the hospital on the orthopedic floor, and after 15 days total was able to go home. They told him he would be in the hospital for months and then rehab for months, but he pulled through and managed to go to physical therapy while being home. He was able walk without a walker after 3 months total. He still has ribs that haven't healed to this day and many plates, screws, and hardware which will remain the rest of his life."

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