Who Will Take The Mark Of The Beast

3 years ago

Are you fully prepared for what is coming? According to the word of God we need to be ready for the enemies' plans, which are the same his lies are always the same. He will try to come at us in different ways, but at the end of the day we are the winners, as long as we are prepared and living in the word of God. Today is the day to seek God with all your heart and soul and ask Him to minister His word through the Holy Spirit who helps us and comforts us with His presence. Marriages restored in faith will pray and agree in prayer for your breakthrough!

Acts 7:51-60
Story of Esther
Esther 3:8-15,4:10-17, 5:1-3, 8:1+2
John 8:9-12
Genesis 6:14+15

Marriages Restored In Faith
Midland TX 79708

Email = mrifaith@yahoo.com
Website = Marriagesinfaith.com
Face Book = Marriages Restored In Faith
Buzz Sprout = Marriages Restored In Faith
Rumble.com= Marriagesrestoredinfaith

Ways To give
Pay Pal = Marriages Restored In Faith
Text ( mrifaith ) 1-432-286-1664

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