Dr. Paul Marik: Hospitals are Killing COVID Patients

3 years ago

Dr. Paul Marik tells Veronika Kyrylenko of The New American the heartbreaking story on how his hospital privileges were suspended over him refusing to use a toxic and expensive treatment for his COVID patients. The doctor was also prohibited by the hospital from using life-saving early treatment protocols. He blasted the obstruction of doctors who remain true to their profession as "pure evil."

When it comes to protecting oneself from COVID, the doctor called on Americans to rely on their immune system which he called “the best doctor,” and offered advice on the COVID prophylaxis measures. Even if one does get infected, there is no reason to panic, because COVID is 100-percent curable with repurposed drugs such as ivermectin.

Dr. Paul Marik is a Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist. He is also a Founding Member and Co-Chief Medical Officer of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, an international group of some 17,000 physicians who developed and successfully used various early treatments for COVID-19.

To learn more, go to https://covid19criticalcare.com/

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