65 01 16 0337C STS Meaning Of Christ's Death Jan 16 1965 Dr. Wierwille bible english lesson

3 years ago

Scripture Index: Acts 4:23-33; 17:18
ACCURATE Subtitles
Acts 4:23 And being let go, [after they’d been put in prison] being let go they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them. And when they heard that [when the people of the early Christian church heard that] they lifted up their voice to God with one accord, [one accord means unity of purpose]. And here in the Book of Acts, beginning with chapter 4 verse 24, you have the first prayer that is recorded in the early church in the Bible.

Now they prayed other places but this is the first recorded prayer in the Bible after the day of Pentecost.

When they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord and said, lord thou art God which hath made heaven and earth and sea and all that in them is. Who by the mouth of thy servant David had said. “Why did the heathen rage and the people imagine vain things? The kings of the earth stood up and the rulers were gathered together against the lord and against his Christ, for of a truth against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the gentiles and the people of Israel, were gathered together for to do whatsoever by hand and thy counsel determined before to be done, and now lord behold their what? Threatening.

Well, they had been laid hands on, they've been put in prison, they had been informed that they should not speak in that name or preach in that name nor teach the resurrection, and now they have the prayer meeting, and you know who they complain to? God? No, They just tell about it, they just tell Him about it, they didn't go around the neighbors and say, “Well boy, we sure had a hard time. It's sure hard to be a witness for Jesus.”

My goodness gracious! Someone said a while back… I heard this by the grapevine, I suppose. Didn’t bother me any. But they said that they wouldn't come to the Way Headquarters, because if they came here then everybody in the community would know they came.

Well bless God, someday you're gonna have to go to heaven, right? And everybody in the community may know you, either went, or didn't get there.

Right. Always concerned about what the other person thinks. I’m concerned about what does God think, and we better get concerned about what God thinks, or we're going to lose a lot of things that we have had freedom to in this whole, our own nation for a hundred and some years.

We better come back to the Word of God, and not run around and say, well I heard so and so, I heard so and so…. No, no, no.

If you've got anything to complain about, go to God. Talk to Him about it. That's what they did.

They said, and now lord…. I’m in verse 29, this is the Word….. And now lord, behold their what? [threatenings] And grant unto thy servants that with all hesitancy, with all fear, with all what? BOLDNESS! Oh, it doesn't say with hesitancy or fear!
And, yet look at it logically, class: Had you been through what they were through, had the rulers, the rulers of the temple, the synagogue, the heads of our denominations and of our churches, had they called you in and said to you, “Don't you dare preach the resurrection and do not use the name of Jesus in your testimony.” Would you have prayed like this, “Grant unto thy servants that with all what? Boldness!”

They didn't pray to be reluctant and hesitant about it. They prayed, “Oh lord, give us more boldness give us more boldness.

And that's exactly what got in trouble the first time, right here, they were here, they were praying for more the same stuff that got them in the soup the first time, and grant unto thy servants that with all boldness they speak their own minds? No. Their own theologies? Their own doctrines? No.
But one thing, with all boldness, speak one thing, and one thing only, what is it? “Thy Word!” for it's the Word of God that was the will of God to the early church, for the Word of God meant what it said, and it said what it meant, and God had a purpose for everything He said, where He said it, why He said it, how He said it, to whom He said it.

Look at verse 30. by stretching forth thy hand to what? [heal] Well, He must have been in the healing business then, right in the early church.

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