Learning Session # 4 - Caucus Training 101

2 years ago

Caucus is on Tuesday, February 1! If you want a say on who's names appear on the ballot in November 2022 and how things are run, a good place to put your energy is into caucusing and becoming a delegate. Never been to one before? Not sure how it works? Learn more about the process and more in this online learning session.

Intro 0:00
Upcoming Events 4:45
What are Precinct Caucuses? 13:00
When are Caucuses? 15:50
Where is my Precinct Caucus? 19:40
Who can Participate? 24:12
Party Platform 25:49
Resolutions 30:40
Precinct Delegates 40:58
Why Get Involved? 53:52
County/BPOU Conventions 54:50
Congressional Convention 1:12:28
State Conventions 1:13:03
Next Steps 1:27:22
Questions/ Minnesota Goodbye 1:31:55

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