#24 Roundtable: Avatar Integration, Moving Beyond Doubt, Building Stronger Bridges, Quantum Ziplines

3 years ago

In Sounds of Circles Roundtable #24, Renee Taintor, Lisa DiTommaso, and Marie Mohler talk about Integrating the Adam & Eve Avatar Essence within us, Moving Beyond Doubt, Building Stronger Bridges, and Traveling Quantum Ziplines in these Ascension Times. Many insights are shared, biblical characters are described, and a deepening awareness of our gifts and our roles to play in these times is also explored. Please join us and share this podcast with friends and family on your social media networks.

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Email: frequencywriter@gmail.com

You can connect with the messengers on the show via their contact info below.

Lisa DiTomasso: Find Center Your Awareness on YouTube & Facebook
Renee Taintor: email - wholesoulmastery@gmail.com

For more information about Whole Soul School and Foundation, and to donate, please visit: https://www.wholesoulschoolandfoundation.org
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Whole Soul Mastery
1289 Fordham Blvd., Suite 259
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

All donations are appreciated 🙏🏻
Thanks for tuning in. Have a great day!

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