Isaiah Meanderings (34): Ch 40 - God Comforts: Promising Presence while Declaring Singular Greatness

3 years ago

There is no one like God. This is not a chant. It is a truth. No one is like God. God alone can save. God knows this better than the created. God has done all the creating and knows the beauty and finitude of all that God has created. Thus, when a generation is disillusioned, God meets them with comfort; but God also corrects their perspective - a wrong thinking that perhaps God is one amongst many - when God is no such thing. Therefore, God speaks in Chapter 40 of His own Grandeur because it matters. The goodness that God carries is the goodness that is faithful and never fails which is the goodness of the only one who is Eternal Creator. The people feel they are in the middle of a failed event, but this is not the case. God is going to show them a beautiful Otherwise. It is God's goal that they understand God's singularity in greatness. No other god begins to compare with the maker of all that is. It is from this capacity that God is capable of saving the disillusioned creature.

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