Crummy Stealth Cam Hunting Hogs & Feeder Work

2 years ago

The Stealth cam turned out just as crummy as I thought and took 1660 pictures in less than two weeks which makes stealth cams worthless as flies on shit

Already ordered a new Browning game cam that has a 1 sec to 60 minute variable reset time of which I will set up with a 15 minute reset time right off the rip when I get it

I hunted all night but only saw deer and raccoon's and no hogs but hogs had been there the very next night after I had left last time

Found the time off on the game cam and later found even the date is wrong and just one thing after another with that piece of junk stealth cam

Might also mention if you buy a stealth cam from Midway they will not refund your money when you find out they lied to you and sold you trash so best bet is never buy a stealth cam from any place on line as they are rip off motherfuckers is all I'm seeing there

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