TIN Podcast #11- Ada County Liberty Dinners start; Establishment R’s Carrying Water for Little; more

3 years ago

Lots of information in this podcast –
Topic 1: The legislature passed HB 436, reducing Idaho income taxes from 6.5% to 6% -- a bill pushed by Governor Little so he can brag on the election circuit. In the meantime, Chairman Harris put all other tax break bills in the drawer until this one got passed. Idahoans are begging legislators for property tax relief and an elimination of the grocery tax. Establishment Republicans don’t seem to care – Daniel & Josh discuss the tax situation in depth.
Topic 2: The “Blue Cross Bill” was another bill wanted (and pushed) by the Governor and it put Idaho teachers on the state system. The Regent Blue Shield lobbyist wanted to know why Blue Shield was being awarded the contract without competitive bids, but his concerns were shut down by Chairman Greg Chaney. What people need to know: Dave Jeppesen, Brad Little’s hand-picked director for Health & Human Services, was an Executive Vice President for Blue Cross for seven years before Little appointed him to direct IDHW.
Does the appearance of impropriety mean anything anymore?
Topic 3: The establishment also has conservatives over a barrel with the all-day Kindergarten bill. Instead of letting policy makers set policy, the governor is requesting the fees for all-day Kindergarten be part of his state budget – out of the hands of the legislative branch. What people don’t realize is giving more power and control to the executive branch means Idaho is being legislated into an encroaching dictatorship. People are not thinking about how this plays out in the future.
Topic 4: Starting February 1, Ada County Liberty Dinners will start, organized by True Idaho News. Tickets are $25 and can be acquired at www.TrueIdahoNews.com/events. Ada County is the fifth county in Idaho to start Liberty Dinners, and they will be the first Tuesday each month. On Feb. 1, Representative and Lt. Governor candidate Priscilla Giddings will be the main speaker. Dawn Jolly, co-founder of www.WeThePatriotsUSA.org will also give a presentation.
Topic 5: Josh talked about his What’s Happening Idaho podcast, co-hosted with Kirsten Lucas. One of his guests on their most recent show was Branden Durst, candidate for State Superintendent of Schools. Josh explained what happened with the bru-ha-ha at the statehouse between Durst and Senator Woodward, who voted against a bill that detailed the rights of parents. Daniel and Josh discussed the lies put forth by Idaho Senators and the major media.
Topic 6: Daniel encouraged Constitutional conservatives to get involved, and not rely on the Republican Party to help them get elected. Most Republican committees are happy with RINOs being in office, simply because it gives power to the Republican party. This is wrong. What this state and each county and city needs is Constitutionally minded candidates, and that will require
Topic 7: Daniel & Josh discussed the Tent City which magically appeared when the legislative session started.
Topic 8: The “Conservative Accountability Project” has published three videos attempting to smear conservative legislators. They twist reality and facts, essentially lying about conservatives when the bills they reference were voted on by nearly every legislator. It’s clearly an unethical smear campaign.
REMINDER: Register for the Ada County Liberty Dinner on Tues., Feb. 1 – main speaker: Priscilla Giddings. Visit www.TrueIdahoNews.com/events

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