of all the haters, only 3 had actual content

3 years ago

verbal altercations online, we try to avoid this shit
imma just make this point and shut up...HA!
criticism motivates me to improve upon what i do
that means that you watched the video...maybe
people don't hear me out, lucky if they watch 3 vids
giving people shit with more talent
planning an hr long special on why women shouldn't do comedy
i don't wanna do this, i HAVE to do this
i have smoothie mustache most days
maybe that's why people unsubscribe
10 vids is still sumin at least
i am so amused by people getting angry over dumb shit
my response to mean comments is to sub to their channel
if you want self-critique, watch my other vids
i have this man in my head, you see...
the beauty of self-awareness
they never know wtf they're talkin about

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