7 Rappers That Fell Off and Went Broke

3 years ago

7 Rappers That Fell Off and Went Broke...

Rappers love to live a fast life. As soon as they get one hit song, it's straight to the jewelry store for a lot of expensive jewelry and buying more cars than they can actually drive. So, it's not surprising that most of them eventually fall off and go broke while trying to keep up with the expensive lifestyle. The new ones on the scene are pressured by other hip-hop artists to make bad money decisions and fall into the deep hole of flexing. While some realize early enough and put aside some money for smart investments, others get in a little too deep and have their cars
repossessed or get kicked out of their houses for not paying rents. Some even get hit with lawsuits worth more than their debt. Luckily, some of them have been able to recover from those dark moments and go on to make six figures monthly, but others have not. So, let's take a look at some of these rappers that let their spending habits take them towards the deep end. Make sure to leave a like on this video and subscribe to the channel if you're new. Thanks for watching: 7 Rappers That Fell Off and Went Broke

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