Children’s Health Defense Europe - The Full Brussels Press Conference (January 23, 2022)

3 years ago

This press conference took place on January 23, 2022. It was a call for a European moratorium on health restrictions: the future of our children is at stake.

Reiner Fuellmich
Viviane Fischer
Catherine Austin Fitts
Mary Holland
Renate Holzeisen
Vera Sharav

Reiner Fuellmich speech begins at 2:03:00
Viviane Fischer speech begins at 2:08:52

In the framework of the citizens' rally in Brussels organized on 23 January by Europeans United International, Children's Health Defense Europe organized a press conference with several speakers concerned by the current policy turn and the future that awaits our young generations, who have been constantly side-lined since the beginning of the crisis.

During the pandemic, most EU member states made far-reaching decisions, often blind to the health, physical and mental well-being of children and young people, putting political agendas and vested interests first.

Today, the European Union is considering continuing and centralising these measures imposed by the state of emergency, which have failed and caused so much damage, and which are also putting the young generation at unnecessary and exceptional risk, particularly through the imposition of masks and vaccination campaigns. It is time to change course and call for an immediate moratorium on this arsenal of obligations and restrictions that cannot offer a sustainable and humane future for society. The panels of experts composed of internationally renowned lawyers, economists and doctors will review the impact of current policies on our society and in particular on its most fragile members.

Children's Health Defense Europe is an association chaired by attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. whose mission is to protect children's health by combating hazardous exposures, to defend their health rights and their fundamental rights in general.


Original Link:


Reiner Fuellmich: Suing The Powers That Be For “Crimes Against Humanity”

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