Speaking to the Dead | She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man Episode 3 Reaction

3 years ago

Mira is sent out by Solomon to find the other 9 wisemen before all out war breaks out starting withSoulhowl. While shes gone she finds a boy who wants to stand before the Dark Mirror in hopes of speaking to his parents. Solomon also wants Mira to speak to a past npc about the monsters grouping up.

Episode Breakdown:

0:00 - Intro
0:13 - Episode Synapsis
5:02 - Defense of the 3 Base Kingdoms
6:28 - Wisemen Hunt
6:46 - Zombies out in the open
8:04 - Tacts Quest
9:49 - Inside the Necropois
10:18 - Alfina
11:22 - Lyricia
14:26 - A 2nd Mission
15:39 - Episode Discussion

Music: Exodus by XEHLA is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Support by RFM - NCM: https://bit.ly/2xGHypM

Intro Music by D9

Sunday- Demon Slayer
Monday-Sabikui Bisco
Tuesday- The Return of The Disaster-Class Hero 2 Chapters until caught up! / and Kenja No Deshi
Thursday- Platinum End
Saturday- How A Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom Season 2

How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSSwsV8-duo

Return of the Disaster Class Hero Reaction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbEMxAriDYc

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