Yolanda Nava’s groundbreaking book of virtues

3 years ago

About It’s All in the Frijoles

A legacy of wisdom from and for Latinos

Do you wish you could remember all the words to the childhood songs your grandmother taught you, so you could sing them to your
children? Have you ever found yourself repeating the dichos, or proverbs, your parents used to lecture you with? If you are looking for
a way to get back in touch with your culture, It's All in the Frijoins is the perfect start. A treasure trove of cherished folktales,
lullabies, poems, and dichos. this rich collection of Latino wisdom includes inspiring recollections and anecdotes by well-known and
beloved figures, both past and present—from actor Edward James Olmos and author Isabel Allende to Nobel laureate Octavio Paz and
Saint Teresa de Avila. It's All in the Frijoles is certain to evoke with fondness many a childhood memory of essential teachings
learned from parents and grandparents, including:

El hombre debe ser feo, fuerte, y formal.
A man should be homely, hardy, and honorable.
El consejo de la mujer es poco y el que no lo agarra es loco.
The advice of a woman is very scarce and the person who does not heed it is crazy.

Pueblo dividido pueblo vencido
A people divideod, a people conquered.

It's All in the Frijoles captures and perpetuates the essence of Latino tradition and is destined to become a family treasure that is
passed down from generation to generation. This legacy of wisdom provides food for thought not only for Latinos but also for people
of all other ethnic backgrounds.

Yolanda Nava is an Emmy Award-winning television journalist, newspaper columnist, educator, consultant, and
community leader. The daughter of Mexican immigrants, she has balanced family responsibilities with a career and
broad-based community service. She lives in Southern California.

Published by Simon & Schuster New Yorj
Cover design by Francine Kass
Cover painting (detail) by Felix Venancio, Photograph © David Lavender Author photograph © Schulman Photo Lab
Author photograph Schuman Photo Lab

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