2 years ago

"I love your Funny Face." is a song and a favorite movie filmed in Paris, France. One of the old-time movies which I have been enjoyed on several occasions over the years is “Funny Face”, starring Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire. This is one of her most famous films.

A wonderfully upbeat story about fashion that took place in Paris. The footage of scenes around the City of Lights is fabulous. It’s almost like being there on your own personal tour.
One of the iconic photographs from this film is of Audrey Hepburn taken at the Louvre Museum. She descended the staircase beneath the Victory of Samothrace sculpture in the background wearing a stunning Givenchy evening gown as seen in this photo.

As a matter of fact, my favorite statue at the Louvre is the Winged Victory of Samothrace. Can’t explain exactly why this winged beauty captures my imagination to the nth degree. Perhaps is the feeling of freedom as she looks as though at any second she will take off and fly. Maybe it’s the beautiful way her dress is draped across her body which is amazing. The position in which the statue is located at the top of a set of stairs is very dramatic. Whatever the reason, this is one stunningly beautiful artifact, in my opinion.

I have always wondered, how in the world do the artists who sculpt these statues from a piece of solid marble do so without making mistakes?

The Louvre is the world's largest museum. It opened in Paris France. The year was 1793. The collections on display are known for being among the most impressive and extensive anywhere in the world. It is among the city's biggest tourist attractions.

One of the most famous paintings ever created is at the Louvre. The Mona Lisa painted by Leonard da Vinci in the 19th century is one of the masterpieces here. On a recent trip to Paris, we went to see this painting again, but there were so many people, we couldn’t get even close. If you want to see the Mona Lisa, be sure to arrive early.

Never enough time to see the extensive artwork at the Louvre so my husband and I return to this museum whenever we are in Paris. Such an amazing place, but way too big to even think about seeing everything. It’s important to pick and choose the sections in the museum of interest and head there. After all, the number of artifacts is enormous…representing some 11,000 years of human civilization and culture.

Situated on the banks of the Seine River, the exterior of the Louvre is a beautiful sight. The combination of the ancient baroque-style museum and the dramatic modern architecture of a triangular glass-shaped cube is a fascinating combination of the old and new together. It took a lot of courage on the part of the decision-makers to combine these diametrically opposed designs.

Interesting to note…the people of Paris did not like this glass cube at first, but neither did they approve of the Eiffel Tower. Thought of both as eyesores. Not any longer! Both famous tourist attractions are wildly admired now.

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